Take a look around James Heal

Take an inside look at James Heal in our video set in and around our headquarters in Halifax, UK. It provides a great insight into the company, our brand and the team who deliver the products and services we offer.

As a vertically integrated manufacturing business, we produce high quality testing instruments from component level up, completely made in Britain. In our Test Materials Centre we weave Multifibre on site, and our service engineers calibrate every instrument before it leaves the building. We want to share this manufacturing journey with you.

James Heal's success is built on teamwork, and through our video tour of many different departments we aim to demonstrate this, including Sheet Metal, Component Manufacture, Electro Mechanical Fitting and Assembly, Quality Assurance, Innovation and Design, Test Materials, Packaging and our Distribution Centre.

From the drone videography at the beginning of the video you will see the location of James Heal within Halifax and how our mill would once have been at the centre of a thriving wool industry. James Heal is now at the centre of a community, surrounded by houses, flats, a Doctor's surgery, a Church and other businesses. We are truly part of the Halifax landscape.

We're incredibly proud of the hard work we do and of the people who do it, and we hope this video gives some insight into that.


For more videos, please visit the James Heal YouTube channel.


Estudos de Casos

Descubra empresas com quem trabalhamos que utilizam os nossos instrumentos, materiais de teste e serviços.


Join us at live events and upcoming online demonstrations and detailed testing insights with our experienced textiles technologists.


On this page, you will find all our news, blogs and articles relating to our Instruments. Be the first to learn about our new product developments in materials testing instruments.


Veja as pessoas por detrás de James Heal com as nossas entrevistas 'conheça o especialista', incluindo estudos de caso de clientes

Latest News

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Our free on-demand webinars provide detailed insights with experienced knowledge of textiles testing. They are ideal for anyone new to this area of testing, as well as for industry professionals.

Histórias de parceiros

Descubra mais sobre os nossos parceiros - artigos aprofundados sobre as empresas com quem trabalhamos. Temos parceiros sediados em mais de 60 países em todo o mundo.


O nosso povo é o coração de tudo o que fazemos, saiba mais sobre a nossa equipa


As nossas últimas notícias, blogs e artigos relacionados com a tecnologia James Heal. Descubra o que há de novo no mundo dos testes de materiais, as últimas tendências e desenvolvimentos do laboratório James Heal e do centro de inovação.

Materiais de Teste

As nossas últimas notícias, blogs e artigos relacionados com materiais de teste, incluindo produtos de teste James Heal, bem como conselhos e dicas de especialistas dos nossos tecnólogos têxteis internos.

Teste Têxtil: O Essencial

a série 'The Essentials' é uma introdução aos testes têxteis, abrangendo princípios básicos e métodos de teste produzidos pelos nossos tecnólogos têxteis internos.

Dicas e Conselhos

Aceda a todos os artigos de conhecimento de James Heal TechTalk™ e aos nossos últimos conhecimentos sobre testes de materiais.